
Change Happens

Cartoon of a boy and his grandfather. The boy says, "If you don't like change, Grandpa, why didn't you stay a kid?"

Change happens! It happens whether we want it or not, doesn’t it? If you don’t believe me, work with children for a few years. Sooner or later, they grow out of your class. Take a look at a photo of you several years ago. Yes, we change! Some of us lose hair, some of us gain it, Children grow and get stronger while adults age and wonder why things aren’t the way they used to be.

Change happens whether we want it or not. The question isn’t if it will happen. The question is how will you deal with it? Will you refuse to admit change is happening and live in denial? Will you refuse to accept it and become bitter? Or will you acknowledge change it always happening and learn how to deal with the new normal?

A few months back, I revisited the book, “Who Moved My Cheese?” I got a lot out of it ten years ago. Of course, now, I could get it on the Kindle, iBooks, or any other e-reader. What a testament to change!

Whether you’re in publishing, the classroom or another business, change is happening. How are you going to deal with it?

Business Cartoons

Hatching an Idea

Cartoon of a chicken and an executive

Cartoon of an executive and a chicken. The chicken says, “That’s a nice idea. Let it incubate and see what hatches.”


Santa Bonuses

Cartoon of an elf and Santa Claus. The elf says, "What do you mean there'll be no Christmas bonus?"

Cartoon of an elf and Santa Claus. The elf says, “What do you mean there’ll be no Christmas bonus?”

Book Review

Blah, Blah, Blah: the Book

Kudos to Dan Roam’s new book, “Blah, Blah, Blah: What to do when words won’t work.” I read his earlier book, “The Back of the Napkin,” because I wanted to use my pictures while teaching kids. Roam’s new book takes the idea of incorporating pictures and words even further. I bought this book on Friday. it was so good, I devoured it in the last forty-eight hours!

I especially loved in the beginning where he tells how Dr. Seuss made such an impression on him as a child as well as others. Lately, I’ve heard doomsayers announce the death of picture books. This book shows that we need pictures to go with our words more than ever because we need both to really learn something. I highly recommend it for anyone who gives presentations, teaches, or just wants to get an idea across in the most effective way.

You can on the image above to order a copy.

You can also check out his web site at


Off the Chip: the First Episode

Chip gives Rodney a cheery greeting. Rodney sees it as a veiled threat.

This was the first in a series of comic strips I drew for a NAEN Ministries about ten years ago. The ministry has since left the Internet, so it was time to bring them back.

Chip is a nice guy working in a technology company. Rodney is the bitter, older curmudgeon who sees Chip’s cheery disposition and a threat to all humanity. Yet, they seem to get along.

I’ll see about posting the strip each Monday.