Cartoon of a Bible story office worker and Moses with the Ten Commandments. Moses says, “I want you to scan these and put them in the next newsletter.”
Tag: Exodus
Cartoon of Moses and a boy. Boy says, “It’s not fair being Moses’ son! If I don’t do my chores, you send a plague.”
Have you ever noticed life isn’t fair if you make someone work? What they’re really saying is “It’s only fair if I don’t have to lift a finger!” Oops! Looks like I better change my attitude and do a little more work!
I drew this web comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2
The Red Sea counts as “red,” right? Well here is good, old Moses parting the Red Sea. Charlton Heston is nowhere to be seen.
This is a cover illustration I did. It is a coloring book called “My Bible Heroes,” and it’s available through Warner Press.
The book has a profile on different heroes in the Bible.
Red Sea Crossing Cartoon