Christmas holiday

The Creepy Side of Christmas

Cartoon of a girl and someone with a bag over their head. The girl says, "I know what you mean. 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town' gives me the creeps too."

Some of our American Christmas traditions can be creepy. Elf on the Shelf comes immediately to mind. It was creepy enough for me when I thought Santa Claus was watching my every move as a child. I didn’t need a visual reminder in my house reporting back to the big guy. I was tempted to put a bag over my head and hope the whole espionage thing would blow over!

There is a strong German influence in southwest Ohio. Since coming here, I’ve heard about Krampus, a half-goat, a half-demon Bavarian character that would punish children during the Christmas season. And I thought Santa was a strict dude!

Ich habe Angst vor Krampus!

It is so antithetical to the original Christmas story. The son of God is born in a manger among barn animals. He already knew we messed up. He came to give hope, joy, and peace.

Today is the third Sunday of Advent. If you are walking by a mall Santa or an Elf on the Shelf today. Relax! There’s no need to put a bag over your head and hope the yuletide espionage passes over!


Why it is so hard to face our fears cartoon

cartoon of a girl and a monster. The monster is eating someone

Cartoon of a girl and a monster. The monster is eating someone. The girl says, “You see, Roger? This is why I don’t like facing my fears!”

Fears, whether real or imagined can stop us in our tracks. We adults forget that children’s fears are just as real and debilitating to them as any adult-sized fears. They can consume anyone (and either our friends). What do you do?

  • Acknowledge you have the fear. It does no good to pretend a fear isn’t there when it is affecting us. Denying the fear monster doesn’t make it go away.
  • Realize courage doesn’t come from the absence of fear. Many a person has broken through a fear because they chose to be courageous in the midst of their fear.
  • Talk about it with a trusted friend, teacher or pastor. You may be surprised to learn you are not the only one facing that same fear. And acknowledging a phobia or anxiety with someone else breaks the power of the fear monster