children cartoons Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Remember

My kids love the time at the beach. My son has a bag of shells he collected from our last trip. They always bring back good memories.

cartoon Religion Cartoons

Easter in Indiana

Cartoon of girl with Easter dress in a snowstorm
Cartoon of a girl in a snowstorm. The caption says, “Macey tries out her Eater dress in the middle of a Midwestern, United States spring.”

Yesterday, it was 77°f here (25°c). A cold front moved through. We have a chance of snow flurries among the cold, gusty winds. Sunday promises to have a high of only 43°f (6°c). I’m going to feel sorry for all the ladies and girls in Easter dresses! Hang on, there! spring is coming, it’s just hidden right now.

cartoon children cartoons holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Cartoon: Lint for Lent

Cartoon: Laundry for Lent
Cartoon of a son and mom. The son says, “Bobby’s family isn’t doing their laundry anymore. He said they were giving something up for lint.”

Lent was one of those words that confused me as a kid. How many words to we play around with that leave kids puzzled? Church is certainly a big place for that. Keep it simple. Is it right to say happy Lent? It may be hard to do that if the thing you gave up was chocolate.


Beware the Ides of March

Happy justifiably paranoid Roman leader day!

cartoon children cartoons Religion Cartoons

Giving Up Cartoons for Lent

I heard a kid the other day saying he was giving up bad language for Lent. First of all, it surprised me a kid was giving up bad language. Second, I didn’t think giving up a bad habit was exactly in the spirit of the season. Oh well, what do I know?