"Pen and Ink" Adobe Photoshop animal cartoons illustration sketch diary sketch journal

Formless Glob

Today, I took a drawing right out of my sketchbook. I applied the color in Adobe Photoshop. It’s a sketch of a “globby” monster: The text reads, “A formless glob can do so much more than you realize. It can paly soccer if is willing to roll with the ball. It can eat most finger foods with our without fingers. It’s really a most versatile thing.”

illustration business

Interview at the DAVID-WASTING-PAPER Blog.

I’ve been interviewed for a great cartooning site. You can see my answers to questions on cartooning at David-Wasting-Paper: Kevin Spear – Cartoonist Survey #118.

Adobe Illustrator children cartoons illustration

Illustration: The prince and princess

Illustration: The Prince and Princess

This was an illustration I did just for fun in 1999. I was inspired by all the fairy tales I was reading to my daughter. She wasn’t hot on the romance part of the stories. Romance just made her sick. Apparently, it does the same for this poor prince.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator.

Adobe Illustrator books children cartoons illustration The Complete Idiot's Guides

Illustration: CIG Cooking with Kids, Chapter 9

Illustration: "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Cooking With Kids," Chapter 9
This is one of the illustrations I did for “The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Cooking With Kids.” I drew this in 2000. I remember looking forward to using the book at home since my daughter was four-years old at the time. My kids were quite the inspiration for the chapter art.
Looks like the book is still available at

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator.

children cartoons New Riders Internet Yellow Pages webcomic

Cartoon: Hamsters and the Media

Cartoon of two girls and a hamster.

Cartoon of  two girls looking at a hamster. One girl says, “This is my new hamster. She’s so neat, I notified all the news networks, Internet news sites and Grandma!”