children cartoons New Riders Internet Yellow Pages

Cartoon: War of Music

Cartoon: War of Music
Cartoon of boy at a music store. He says, “What’s the latest CD that will drive my parents crazy?”

Illustration Friday School Cartoons

Illustration Friday: Confined

Illustration Friday: Confined, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Illustration of a mom and two children looking at the snow from a window. There is nothing like a snow day to bring the joy to children and depression to parents.

Yes, my kids have a snow day today. And mom is home with the gang. I hope she is having a better day than the poor women in this illustration.

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “confined.”

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator

children cartoons computers Illustration Friday technology cartoons webcomic

Cartoon: Musical Tech

Spear-Cartoon_3560, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon of boy and dad at computer. Boy says, “You’re listening to classical music on the Internet? Doesn’t that violate some techie code of conduct?”

I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2. It also is for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “music.”

Bible children cartoons webcomic

Webcomic: The Plague of Chores

Cartoon of Moses and a boy. Boy says, “It’s not fair being Moses’ son! If I don’t do my chores, you send a plague.”

Have you ever noticed life isn’t fair if you make someone work? What they’re really saying is “It’s only fair if I don’t have to lift a finger!” Oops! Looks like I better change my attitude and do a little more work!

I drew this web comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Adobe Illustrator Illustration Friday School Cartoons webcomic

Illustration Friday: Blur

Cartoon of boy and mom. Son says, “I don’t know what the principal told you. For me, the food fight was a blur.”
I have to admit, I wasn’t usually the boy starting a food fight in the cafeteria. I was the kid observing the whole melee, hiding and admiring the troublemaker for his chutzpah. It’s much safer that way, and the teachers like you better.
I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “blur.”
I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2