Adobe Illustrator cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Cartoon: The Kitty Bible

Cartoon of a cat with her kittensCartoon of a cat with her kittens. The Momma cat says, Cartoon of a cat with her two kitten. The kitty momma says, “Remember, as cats, we are to shove our enemies and prey on those who persecute us.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Cartoon: Driving a Praying Woman

Cartoon of father and son in car

Cartoon of father and son in a car. The boy says, “Why does Mom say your driving made her a praying woman?”

illustration Warner Press

Kids Prayer Request Card

Here’s an illustration I’ve done this morning for Warner Press. It’s for a prayer card. In July, you can have a prayer card for the kids in your pew.

This artwork is property of Warner Press. Do not reproduce in any way without their permission.


Temptation Island

Caption reads: Three days earlier, Gary asked God to eliminate from his life all temptation.

I need this island whenever I’m near a refrigerator or a bowl of chips and salsa. You can’t eat just one. You can eat the whole bowl before you realize it. Lord, deliver me from temptation… right after I’m done with this ice cream.


Prayer Life

“The hospital called. Your prayer life has been rushed into intensive care!”
Yes, there have been those times where my face gets flushed because I realize I haven’t prayed most of the day. Come on, Kevin! You can’t run on batteries all day!

What is a good prayer life anyway? This post by the Desiring God site offers some tips. The bottom line is it is a personal choice that centers around just taking time to do it. I like to get up early in the morning and journal my prayers. I either write by hand or type them in my electronic journal. No matter how you do it, I encourage you to find some time and take your prayer life off of life support.

Cartoon of a man and woman. The woman says, "The hospital called Your prayer life has been rushed into Intensive Care!"

These cartoons fall under my Creative Commons License. They are free to use for church bulletins and other non-commercial usages as long as you credit me.