cartoon children cartoons Christmas

Christmas Lights

Cartoon of boy hanging Christmas lightsCartoon of boy hanging by gutter. He says, “Get Dad! Tell him I’m sorry I started putting up Christmas lights without him and I could really use his help!”

It has been warm for an Indiana Christmas. I was able to put the Christmas lights on the house and wear a short-sleeve shirt. This time, my kids didn’t have to wait for me. You know how impatient they get!

Caption reads: “Get Dad! Tell him I’m sorry I started putting up Christmas lights without him and I could really use his help!”

cartoon Christmas

Monster Christmas

Monsters says, “The great thing about being a monster around Christmas is it’s the one day I can wear a red outfit with my green skin.”

I did this cartoon a few years ago. I’m pretty sure “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” had something to do with this cartoon. It’s either that or one particularly moving episode of “Sesame Street.”


cartoon Christmas complete the caption

Complete the caption: Santa Jam

This week, I saw a traffic jam on our local freeway. I thought about how this affects the Christmas spirit.

The next thing you know, this image popped into my strange, little mind.

I am using it for the Christian Humor Writers’ “Complete the Caption” exercise this week.

You’re invited to try your own caption in the comments as well.

Merry Christmas,

cartoon church cartoons

Low Overhead

Cartoon low overhead at churchCartoon of a man at a sidewalk stand. The sign says Gurgle Grove church. The pastor says to a woman, “We prefer a low overhead.”

It’s that lovely time of year where budgets are squeezed, tested and pushed. What are some good ways to cut expenses? I know! Cut that overhead.

I thought of the ideal for this cartoon when I was in the middle of a lengthy, boring, budget meeting. Thank heavens you can doodle and make it look like note-taking!

cartoon technology cartoons

Computer Angel

There is word the Zune isn’t doing so hot.

If only all this technology would behave. Of course, if the computer is acting angelic, do we really trust it? Not me. Even now, if my computer acts angelic, I start wondering what it’s up to.