Adobe Illustrator Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday-Pale

Illustration Friday-Pale, originally uploaded by speartoons.

On a cold, January day, this image popped into my mind when I heard the word, “pale.”

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator.

You can see other illustrators’ take on the subject at

children cartoons Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Backwards

Illustration Friday: Backward, originally uploaded by speartoons.

It’s been snowing in my hometown. Looks like most of the northern United States has put of with this weather.

I miss the days I went sledding with my son. Now, he is taller than me. Getting on the sled just isn’t as easy as it used to be!

cartoon children cartoons School Cartoons

Snow switch

The snow was bad enough here to close the schools yesterday, today and tomorrow. However, if this wasn’t the case, I wonder if my son would have a similar conversation tomorrow as he waited for the bus.

children cartoons Illustration Friday Safety Cartoons

IF: Crash

We have a blizzard warning in Indiana today (February 13, 2007). Everyone is staying put and watching the snow pummel us. As soon as the wind and the snow dies down, I’m sure my kids will try to get out there and have some fun. After all, school is closed. I can just imagine this scene happening somewhere in the Midwestern US today.

If you live in colder, snowy climates, do you remember the time you transitioned from loving the snow because of all the fun things to do and dreading it because you would have to drive in it? I remember the first time I drove in freezing rain. I tapped the brakes and my car immediately made a 180 degree turn. It scared me to death. I wanted to leave the car where it was, grab a sled and forget the whole driving thing.


Looking for love in January

In January, we look for love. We look for something to warm the cold. Success comes by February 14th.

That desert of time between Christmas and Valentine’s day is a time when a lot of people do some searching. Luckily, I’ve already found love. But I remember those cold winter days. I’d shed a tear if it wouldn’t freeze to my cheek.