
One of the Cures for Anxiety

Anxiety has become endemic in our society. We fear the present, future and the guy in the next car. The news terrifies us, marketing feeds on our insecurities and the workplace can be a challenging mix of deadlines, earning reports and lofty goals. Yes, it can weigh a person down.

Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.

Proverbs 12:25 NLT

One cure for the common case of anxiety is an encouraging word. If you’re not getting much of it, start to become an encourager. A simple thank you does wonders. Make a point to see positives in every situation and call them out.

It’s too easy to worry. Let’s start to bring encouragement back to those around us. That said, I’d still be suspicious of courteous sharks!

Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Sketch Notes: Because He Lives, All Fear is Gone

Sermon sketch notes based on "Because He Lives, All Fear is Gone."
I took these sketch notes at Salem Church of God in Clayton, Ohio

This sketch note page is from yesterday’s sermon at my church. Pastor Steve Southards from Salem Church of God continued his sermon series based on the song, “Because He Lives” by Bill and Gloria Gaither.

I loved the tin pan illustration Pastor Southards shared at the end. His grandfather loved to garden. When Steve visited, he would see aluminum foil pie pans hung over the garden. His grandfather put them there to scare away the birds, deer and other animals that wanted the tasty fruits and vegetables. Steve observed if a bird was smart, he might look for the foil pans because that would signify something good was nearby.

Too often, what scares us could actually hide the blessing we desire the most. Great sermon, as always from Pastor Southards.

children cartoons

Great Heights

Cartoon of a girl scolding a kitten. She says, "Come down from there! Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Cartoon of a girl scolding a kitten. She says, “Come down from there! Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

Heights and obstacles are a matter of perspective, aren’t they? Whenever a child is convinced an obstacle is just too much for them, I need to remember it really does look as big to them as they imagine it. Part of the challenge is to convince a student they can overcome an obstacle without belittling or minimizing their fear.

How do you get a child to overcome an an obstacle in a respectful, encouraging way? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “heights.”



Worry about no Worry

Cartoon rough of two women. One says, "I'm not scared of anything anymore, and frankly, that worries me!"

Cartoon of two women. One says, “I’m not scared of anything anymore, and frankly, that worries me!”

I drew this rough cartoon in my sketchbook during a tumultuous time in my life. I was laid off from a dream job, my wife was working at a place with financial difficulties in a town that faced severe financial hardships. We had two, young children. Though I was working, it was a temporary job. Oh, and September 11, 2001 was still fresh in our minds. There was plenty to worry about.

But all of the things we worried about never came to pass. It’s ten years later and there are a new set of worries in our life. What good does worry do for us? Live today and let tomorrow take care of itself, unless you want to worry about not worrying.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

News Insulation

Cartoon of two cups

Cartoon of two cups. One is a styrofoam cup and says, “The news doesn’t bother me. I’m very insulated against the world.”