Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons School Cartoons

Cartoon: Downsized

Spear cartoon 3456
Originally uploaded by speartoons

Caption reads: “I must be the first second grader to ever be downsized.”

Yes, I’ve been downsized before. When it happened, It got me thinking how when I was in school, I would have loved to be downsized. Wouldn’t that be an elementary student’s dream? That’s what snow days are all about-it’s a chance to be downsized for a day.

Adobe Illustrator illustration Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Homage

Illustration Friday: Homage
Originally uploaded by speartoons

When I heard the word, homage, I thought of paying respects to the ever industrious animal of the insect world.

Ants fascinate me whenever I have a chance to see what they are carting off. How can such a little creature lift such big things?

Adobe Illustrator illustration


Originally uploaded by speartoons

I wonder what my dog and cat do while I am at work. I can imagine my puppy helping herself to the ice cream. The problem is, the cat would demand a cut in the dog’s findings.

This is illustration is rendered in Adobe Illustrator.

Adobe Illustrator illustration

Mr. Globe

Originally uploaded by speartoons

If the world could talk, what would it say?

Would he/she really be in a business suit, or would it be wearing some natural fiber mu-mu skirt?

Maybe it would be so mad at us, we wouldn’t notice what it wore. Then again, navy blue should go with the deep, dark vacuum of space.

I made this sketch four years ago when there was another business accounting scandal. It reminds me how world issues will affect us whether we want to admit it or not.

I created the finished art in Adobe Illustrator.

Adobe Illustrator

Not on Your Own

Not on Your Own
Originally uploaded by speartoons

This is an illustration I am using to introduce a game Sunday morning.

The game is called, "Not on Your Own." It is part of the Sunday school curriculum for "Living Inside Out." It is part of their Rescue 911 session. In this game, kids are encouraged to try to fit within a shape that is masked out on the floor.

The first time they attempt it, the kids are encouraged NOT to help each other. The second time, the kids are told they can help each other.

The lesson is there are some things we can’t do on our own.

I’ll be giving the lesson tomorrow at Madison Park Church of God in Anderson, Indiana. I lead the large group worship time for the elementary age kids.