cartoon children cartoons

Cartoon: HDTV

Cartoon: HDTV

Caption reads: “This crazy, messed up world looks so much clearer and brighter in HDTV.”

I thought of this ideal while thinking about the times I turn off the world by turning on the TV. It feels good, but sometimes, I wonder if it really is the right thing to do. Am I just burying my head in the sand?

Adobe Illustrator illustration

Mr. Globe

Originally uploaded by speartoons

If the world could talk, what would it say?

Would he/she really be in a business suit, or would it be wearing some natural fiber mu-mu skirt?

Maybe it would be so mad at us, we wouldn’t notice what it wore. Then again, navy blue should go with the deep, dark vacuum of space.

I made this sketch four years ago when there was another business accounting scandal. It reminds me how world issues will affect us whether we want to admit it or not.

I created the finished art in Adobe Illustrator.

children cartoons Illustration Friday

IF: Might Digital

Here is my version of “might”, in a digital style. I still waffle over what is better: organic color pencils or the digitized twenty-first century!

children cartoons Illustration Friday

Illustration Fri: Might

I’m trying a few things with color pencil. Strange, but when I think of might, I think of the anxiety that comes with it. This kid may be strong but he holds the world ( or at least he thinks he does.)

Might doesn’t make right. It only gives you something else to worry about.