Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon Illustration Friday relationship cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Illustration Friday: Expired

Cartoon of couple at a candlelight dinner

Cartoon of a couple at dinner. The woman says, “Our relationship is like the milk in your refrigerator, Harold. It has expired.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon Illustration Friday relationship cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Illustration Friday: Subterranean

Cartoon of woman spying a periscope in her backyard.

Cartoon of  woman in backyard. She sees a periscope poking up from the lawn. She says, “Henry! Get the cat! The moles are back.”

cartoon church cartoons

Cartoon: Luther Rocks!

Cartoon: Sing "A Mighty Fortress is Our God!" and bring it on home!

Cartoon of a pastor and a guy with a Guitar. Guitarist says, “Everybody now! Sing, ‘A Mighty Fortress is Our God!‘ And bring it on home!”

This cartoon originally appeared in “The Lutheran Magazine.”

cartoon love technology cartoons webcomic

Cartoon: Love in the modern world

Cartoon of love in the Modern World

Cartoon of girl dining with a robot. The girl says, “It’s just not working out, Rob. You’re love is so… so mechanical!”

cartoon church cartoons

Cartoon: Better Cooks

Cartoon of a couple talking to a pastor. The man says, “We decided to come here when we heard your church has better cooks.”

I drew this for the “CHOGnews” February, 2010 issue. You can find the newsletter at this link.