cartoon church cartoons gag cartoon Internet Religion Cartoons single panel cartoon technology cartoons

Cartoon: Preaching on Youtube

Cartoon of two men. One says, “Great sermon. I already uploaded the highlights to Youtube.”

Technology is changing the churches I’ve been in. Almost everyone has a projector now and many have wireless Internet. It makes me wonder how the church will look in twenty years.
I drew this cartoon for The Church of God E-Newsletter.
I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS3

cartoon church cartoons gag cartoon

Cartoon in "Church Laughs" Newsletter

The Church Laughs newsletter at Christianity Today just featured my cartoon for this week.
Anybody need a chocolate on their pillow?
Adobe Illustrator church cartoons technology cartoons

Middle-age couple on computer

Middle-age couple on computer, originally uploaded by speartoons.

The other day, I saw a lady operating a computer at church. I drew a sketch of the scene.

It amazes me how pervasive technology is becoming. People who I thought would never have a computer are now using them. PC’s now seem to be a part of every church. Hi tech has hit mainstream!

church cartoons Illustration Friday sketch diary

Suits and Ties

I nearly flipped when I found out there was a time in the 1800’s when my church considered ties worldly. After all, when I grew up, it was the non-tie wearers who were considered the worldly ones.

I don’t remember what my ties look like or if they’re still in my closet. Who needs one when you are going to church?

cartoon children cartoons church cartoons sketch diary

Church moving countdown

Our church is getting ready to move into a new building this June. My boss is writing an article for our church newsletter. She asked if I could create a cartoon to go with it.

Here are the sketches in my book

And here is the final cartoon. Caption reads: “He is counting down the days until we move into the new church.”