church cartoons illustration


I was playing around with a sketch. This has a little more shading, than I typically. Once in a while, it’s good to shake up the technique a little.

Now the pew joke… that is another matter. It was funny when I was seven, but I’m corny that way.

cartoon children cartoons church cartoons

Ties and floppy hats

Caption reads: “It’s only fair. If boys have to wear ties on Easter, girls have to wear the floppy hats.”

So much of Easter centers around clothes. There’s “Sunday best” and then there’s “Easter’s best.” Floppy hats at Easter are the equivalent to ties. Neither have much of a use except to dress up that already new and flashy outfit.

Word of advice to the guys: don’t take a hat to church, especially if it’s a baseball cap. The ladies get offended when you are upstaging them.

cartoon church cartoons Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Hide

Caption reads: “Hi, Bob. Have you seen Frank? I need him to help in the nursery.”

My wife is a children’s director for our church. You would be right if you supposed I have heard similar words before. About ten years ago, I would be hiding like this guy. But now I realize it’s great to be in children’s ministry. I like to see the future. And I’m not scared when I see it. They have more potential than us grumpy, proper grown-ups!

cartoon children cartoons church cartoons gag cartoon Illustration Friday single panel cartoon webcomic

Illustration Friday: Super Heroes

Cartoon of a boy and a pastor.
Boy to Pastor: “But why doesn’t our church reach out to super heroes?”

This week’s Illustration Friday theme reminded me of a cartoon I did some years back. As a boy, I wondered were those super heroes were in real life. I found out later many were closer than I thought. One of them lived right in my house and went by the alias, “Dad.”

church cartoons complete the caption

Complete the caption: Cheerleader

The Christian Humor Writers group requested a cartoon for writing aerobics this week. So feel free to complete the caption!

There’s been a lot of team spirit in Indiana thanks to the big Indianapolis Colts’ Play-offs this weekend. Will they make it to the Superbowl? Stay tuned!