
Running in shorts in November

Some of you southern guys may not see the big deal in this, but I was excited this morning. I ran in a t-shirt and shorts and it’s late November! There was some puddles and mist, but I’ll take that. This kind of thing doesn’t happen in Indiana-at least not without some kind of permit.

The weather is changing today and tomorrow. They’re talking temps in the thirties, snow and ice. But for this morning, I could run and feel great. God is good.

children cartoons Christmas comic strip

Christmas is Coming

Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming!
Yes, there is nothing like a holiday to bring out the true nature of people. I hope you will have a blessed Christmas season.


Sunday Sermon: Advent & Isaiah

Yesterday, My pastor, Jim Lyon, preached on Isaiah’s prophecy about Jesus. He said we needed to accept the gift Christ gave us when He came to earth. So here are the notes I took for this week. By the way, only twenty-eight days until Christmas!