When it comes to the balance of power, boards and committees can be tricky. Some believe their goal is to tell other people what to do. Others don’t have a clue how to get the ball rolling on tasks as simple as picking up some trash.
Category: Leadership
Dan Rockwell has a great tribute to Glenn Frey and collaboration on his Leadership Freak post. You never know what kind if impact a chance encounter will make. Dan has a list of memorable teams and their businesses/achievements.
Source: Don Henley on the Death of Glenn Frey | Leadership Freak
No man is an island. We need each other. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned since moving across the country is how critical it is to establish contacts in my new home. The Internet and smartphones make it easier to be in contact with friends and associates. Yet, there is nothing like face-to-face interaction to encourage creativity.
Rest in peace, Glenn Frey. Thanks for the music.

I have been taking a leadership class. Last night, I, along with two of my classmates presented the first half of the book Tuesdays With Morrie. I drew a mind map of the first five Tuesdays Mitch Albom discussed with Morrie Schwartz.

The mind map goes over the first five topics Morrie and Mitch discuss:
- The world
- Feeling sorry for yourself
- Regrets
- Death
- Family
These are topics you don’t normally talk about at work. But I found through the discussion that leadership is more than getting things done and motivating the office. We bring our whole selves to work and what we think and feel about important topics affects everything we do.
So here’s the question we gave the class: If you knew you were dying, what would you tell a loved one or a coworker about one of these topics?
What would you say?

A friend posted this article on Facebook
19 Words That Will Make People Like You More | Inc.com.
All of the suggestions were good, but the one that stood out to me was the phrase, “Here’s what’s happening.” I agree with the writer that you don’t want to spread rumors or gossip. However, when we guard too much information at work or home, it can actually lead to rumors and gossip!
Whether it’s government, churches, schools or homes, there will always be some information that should be private. You don’t have to tell everything. There is such a thing as too much information. You also have to consider the feelings of others as well as the law.
However, if you err on the side of saying nothing, the rumors and innuendos will happen. In fact, a group’s imagination is frequently more outrageous than the truth.
Find a way to say, Here’s what’s happening. It’s much more effective than letting everyone guess what’s up.