children's ministry cartoons Kidzmatter Magazine Magazine

Intense Children’s Ministry Training

I have to brag on my wife. She is a children’s pastor and very big on equipping her volunteers. The other week, she had a training for her volunteers. It didn’t involve push-ups or burpees. Instead, it focused on relationships and building connections with parents as well as children.

One of the scariest situations anyone ever faces is when they enter a new situation without any training or preparation. It is much better to put in the sweat and prepare yourself for any situation. One of the most important tasks anyone can do is work with children. I am so appreciative of the teachers and volunteers that put in the effort every day to be the best at reaching kids.

I drew this cartoon for Kidzmatter Magazine.

children's ministry cartoons K! Magazine worship

When Can I Clap?

Cartoon of an excited, clapping boy. Another boy whispers to hi, "Psst! Tyler! This song isn't clappable!"

Every year, in the spring, I notice it. The kids that used to be so enthusiastic in their singing start to stand or sit in stone silence. Fourth and fifth-grade boys are the hardest. They start to be very aware of others and have no desire to do anything “uncool.”

children's ministry cartoons K! Magazine

Daredevils and Backsliders on the Playground

Teacher to student: "Curtis! What are you doing backsliding like that?"
Copyright ©2014 Kevin Spear & Kidzmatter

No matter where you are, there is always a kid on the playground that will test the boundaries of the rules. Some will be blatant about it. Some will subtly test the boundaries until someone notices.

The same kids grow up to test boundaries. You see every day on the highways. Speed limits are conquered, red lights are beaten and accidents happen.

children's ministry cartoons K! Magazine Magazine

Getting stuck in worship

Can you please get help? I was leading kid worship and got stuck in this pose.
Copyright ©2013 Kidzmatter & Kevin Spear

I love it when kids are worshipping in large group. When kids are sincere and enthusiastic, it can put the most exuberant grown up worshipper to shame.
But something happens in the pre-teen years. You can always tell when kids start getting self-conscious and are “too cool” to lift their hands, dance and put their heart into worship.

Unfortunately, as we get older, it is more likely we get stuck not worshipping than to get stuck in the act of worshipping.

K! Magazine

Is Twitter the ultimate evangelism tool?

Cartoon of a church teacher and two girls. One girl says, "You mean we're supposed to go into all the world? We better start tweeting about it!"
©2013 Kevin Spear for “Kidzmatter Magazine”

It’s no wonder traditional media is struggling. When you compare how difficult it was to get a message out just thirty years ago compared to today, well no wonder publishers are scratching their heads!