cartoon gag cartoon Internet relationship cartoons single panel cartoon technology cartoons

Cartoon: Bad Internet Cooking

Cartoon of wife at computer and husband. Wife cries, “Someone told the gourmet cuisine site about my cooking and now they won’t let me in.”

Bad news travels fast, doesn’t it? Especially with the speed of the Internet on the side of the rumor mill.

This is a classic cartoon I did back in 1996 for the sixth edition of the “New Rider’s Internet Yellow Pages.”

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Illustration Friday relationship cartoons School Cartoons single panel cartoon

Cartoon: Infinite ways

Cartoon of two boys walking. One says, “Today at school, I discovered there are an infinite number of ways to annoy a girl.”

Yes, there are an infinite number of ways to annoy people, I’m going to try and find the infinite number of ways to be a blessing today.

This also works for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “infinite.”

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

cartoon gag cartoon relationship cartoons School Cartoons single panel cartoon

Cartoon: Love and Homework

Cartoon of dad and son. Dad says, “Your mom didn’t marry me for my hair. It was because I did my homework. Now go do yours.”

I’m sure my dad used this ploy on me. Bless his heart, I never remember him with much hair. But he’s always been a hard worker. He’s done his homework, and so has Mom. That must be why she married him.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

cartoon gag cartoon relationship cartoons

Cartoon: Games at Work

Cartoon of husband and wife in the kitchen. The husband says, “They’re not giving me a raise, but they are letting me play this really cool game at work.”

This is a classic cartoon I did back in 1996 for the sixth edition of the “New Rider’s Internet Yellow Pages.”

I used to design books for a computer games book publisher. It was fun playing video games for research. Too bad I stunk at video games. I knew I was in trouble when my five-year old son started beating me!

New Rider’s Publishing and me own the copyright to this image. Please do not use without permission.

cartoon gag cartoon relationship cartoons

Cartoon: Nagging Material

Cartoon of two women. One says, “You are almost marriage material. All we need to do is teach you to nag.”

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2