Adobe Illustrator Illustration Friday School Cartoons webcomic

Illustration Friday: Blur

Cartoon of boy and mom. Son says, “I don’t know what the principal told you. For me, the food fight was a blur.”
I have to admit, I wasn’t usually the boy starting a food fight in the cafeteria. I was the kid observing the whole melee, hiding and admiring the troublemaker for his chutzpah. It’s much safer that way, and the teachers like you better.
I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “blur.”
I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2
children cartoons School Cartoons webcomic

Webcomic: Dignity Insurance

Cartoon of boy and girl. Boy is wearing an eagle costume. Boy says, “I agreed to be the school mascot if they would pay for my dignity insurance.”

You have to be a special breed to be a mascot. You have to be able to fire up the crowd while ignoring those who fear you or want to humiliate you. It’s a good lesson for life in general. I think it would have been good for Charlie Brown to play a mascot. It builds character.

I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2

cartoon computers gag cartoon School Cartoons single panel cartoon technology cartoons

Cartoon: Recycling Education

Cartoon of two children and an old computer at a bust stop. The caption reads, “Melanie’s dad found a unique way to recycle his old computer.

This is a classic cartoon I did back in 1996 for the sixth edition of the “New Rider’s Internet Yellow Pages.”

When I drew this cartoon, I thought the PC looked somewhat modern. Is that a 3 1/2″ or a 5 1/4″ floppy drive? Where’s the SCSI cable? What do you mean it’s wireless?

New Rider’s Publishing and me own the copyright to this image. Please do not use without permission.

cartoon gag cartoon School Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Wipe the Slate Clean

Cartoon of a boy and a teacher. The boy says, "It's hard to wipe the slate clean when you use a permanent marker."Cartoon of a boy and teacher. The boy says, “It’s hard to wipe the slate clean when you use a permanent marker.”

I’ve often heard people say, “I’ll forgive, but you better believe I won’t forget.” It is a difficult thing to do, isn’t it? If I’ve slighted you, I hope you’ve forgotten about it. It wasn’t on purposeā€¦ honest! But we must remember great things come through patience and forgiveness.

Speartoons are examples of my sketches and cartoons Please respect my copyright and ask first before you would use them.
All art copyright 2008 Kevin Spear. Use of graphics is prohibited without prior written consent. Be sure to wipe the slate clean!

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon School Cartoons single panel cartoon

Cartoon: Pointy Homework


Cartoon of a boy with a test and a dog. Boy says, “For a pointer, you’re pretty lousy at pointing out homework answers.”

I never used our dog to do my homework. She was a collie and whenever I’d ask a question, she’d just nip at my heels.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2