This week’s word for Illustration Friday is “Brave.”
Category: School Cartoons
Cartoon of a boy with a cat on his back. Boy says, “I grabbed him in the dark. I thought he was my backpack.”
Cases of mistaken identity can happen all the time when it’s dark and the middle of winter. I just checked and I am happy to say I wore the same color socks today.
If you ever catch me with a weird combination of socks or a cat on my back, I’ll just say it is a fashion statement. I would advise you to do the same.
I drew this in Adobe Photoshop.
Illustration of a mom and two children looking at the snow from a window. There is nothing like a snow day to bring the joy to children and depression to parents.
Yes, my kids have a snow day today. And mom is home with the gang. I hope she is having a better day than the poor women in this illustration.
I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “confined.”
I drew this in Adobe Illustrator
Sketch of kids in a classroom. It’s fun how kids are attracted to boxes. It always piques their curiosity. Even if it’s empty, kids will wonder what’s going on, especially when it wasn’t there before.
Cartoon of two boys. One says, “If a dog goes around with his tongue hanging out, it’s okay. But if I do it, I get sent to the school counselor.”
There are so many things our pets do we think is cute. But if a person did the same thing, trouble would be brewing. Be sure you do your panting at home. It’s safe that way.
I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2