cartoon children cartoons School Cartoons

Cartoon: Prepped for school

Cartoon of two students. One says, “I’m all ready for school. I have my lunch, number two pencils and an updated résumé!”

I wasn’t the hyper-prepared student in school. I was the one praying the teacher wouldn’t call on me. It’s not that I didn’t know the answer. I just didn’t want to die of embarrassment when my voice would squeak like a mouse who just inhaled helium.

This cartoon is copyrighted. Please ask before using it and I can provide a watermark free image.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons Illustration Friday School Cartoons

Wrapped Up in Apologies

Student Apologies, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon: Student says to teacher, “For anything I may do this school year, I’d like to offer a blanket apology.”

Also works for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “wrapped.” This guy is wrapped up in getting his apologies out of the way first. There’s a few sports figures and politicians that could learn from that. Just apologize in advance when you’re elected or get that multi-million dollar contract.

Please ask before using this cartoon. I can provide a watermarked free image upon request.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS3

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons Illustration Friday School Cartoons

Illustration Friday: Craving

Cartoon: son to dad, “Well school is out for the summer! I don’t know about you, but I’m craving some adventure!”

I’m guessing there are many kids craving adventure this month. Here’s to hoping they have an exciting, and safe summer.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS3

Adobe Illustrator cartoon Illustration Friday School Cartoons

Illustration Friday: Contagious

Illustration Friday: Contagious

Cartoon: Boy to teacher, "Nobody will play with me, Mrs. Hunt, just because I told them I?m extremely contagious."

This week’s theme for Illustration Friday is "Contagious." I had this idea swimming around my mind as all the hype about swine flu was going on a couple of weeks ago. This looked like the perfect opportunity to bring the idea to life.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS3

"365 Days: Drawing Challenge" cartoon children cartoons School Cartoons

Cartoon: More of the Same

Spear Cartoon 3475

“Don’t complain about school lunches. Their punishment is just more of the same.”

Cartoon of two boys in a school cafeteria. This cartoon may not be factual. All I know is it seemed to happen to me.