Schoolboy coming out of rain to dad, “It’s cold, rainy and yech out there… a perfect day to be in school.”
The weather inspired me today. It’s just a good day to stay inside!
Schoolboy coming out of rain to dad, “It’s cold, rainy and yech out there… a perfect day to be in school.”
The weather inspired me today. It’s just a good day to stay inside!
Drawing I did for Illustration Friday. The word was “late.”
All the work was done in Adobe Illustrator CS2.
Yesterday I was asked to act as a science teacher for our Wednesday night church kids.
We were supposed to have a science experiment. I was handed the materials on Sunday, had vacation time Sunday and Monday, and got to see what it was all about on Tuesday evening. I didn’t have time to try the experiment ahead of time. Big mistake!
Nothing exploded, thank heavens. No one got hurt, no one passed out, but the experiment didn’t work. Chalk one up to “should have tried the experiment ahead of time!
Spear cartoon 3456
Originally uploaded by speartoons
Caption reads: “I must be the first second grader to ever be downsized.”
Yes, I’ve been downsized before. When it happened, It got me thinking how when I was in school, I would have loved to be downsized. Wouldn’t that be an elementary student’s dream? That’s what snow days are all about-it’s a chance to be downsized for a day.
Serendipity! I was working on this illustration when Illustration Friday announced “Little things” was the theme.
I liked the play in this photo. Is the little thing the boy or whatever the boy is hiding from the teacher? You decide!