cartoon children cartoons holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Cartoon: Lint for Lent

Cartoon: Laundry for Lent
Cartoon of a son and mom. The son says, “Bobby’s family isn’t doing their laundry anymore. He said they were giving something up for lint.”

Lent was one of those words that confused me as a kid. How many words to we play around with that leave kids puzzled? Church is certainly a big place for that. Keep it simple. Is it right to say happy Lent? It may be hard to do that if the thing you gave up was chocolate.

cartoon children cartoons church cartoons gag cartoon Illustration Friday single panel cartoon webcomic

Illustration Friday: Super Heroes

Cartoon of a boy and a pastor.
Boy to Pastor: “But why doesn’t our church reach out to super heroes?”

This week’s Illustration Friday theme reminded me of a cartoon I did some years back. As a boy, I wondered were those super heroes were in real life. I found out later many were closer than I thought. One of them lived right in my house and went by the alias, “Dad.”