If you have been working from home, have you found that every day has become casual Friday? I thought of this cartoon idea because I knew Easter Sunday was coming. It’s a time when churchgoers get dressed up. This year was quite different from the past. It was far different than Irving Berlin’s old song.
I didn’t look quite as bad as the guy in my cartoon. Still, it was far more casual than past Easters. I heard stories of people dressing up anyway for the holiday. I would say they probably felt better and it helped lift their spirits. I will have to try it this weekend.
If you have been working remotely and have been a little down in the dumps, it may help to get dressed up as if you were going to your workplace or for an event. In the meantime, I know we’re all looking forward to the day when we can get out their and parade in our Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it.
I drew this cartoon for the April 2020 CHOGNewsletter.