This year, I had an opportunity to create this coloring book for Community Hospital Anderson in Anderson, Indiana. I loved this project because for me, it was an experiment using technology in a new way and it is designed to help children who may be in an emergency or a health crisis.
It was an experiment in technology because I had been used to a full desktop setup for illustrating and designing a book. I first talked with the hospital when I was in Indiana. But approval for the project came when I moved to Arizona and didn’t have access to all of my equipment. I had an iMac set up, but I soon discovered I needed to be more mobile. So I invested in a MacBook Pro.
Instead of using a flatbed scanner and a desktop computer, I used my iPad camera, and laptop to get the project done. I was delighted in finding a newer, faster way to illustrate and create an illustrated activity book.
I was also delighted to get this project going because it was an opportunity to help children who may experience a crisis. It can be scary for a child to visit a hospital. The book is designed to inform a child what he or she may experience and to put their mind at ease. I love that the book informs and gives children something to do while they are waiting for a specialist or results.
It was also a lot of fun creating activities for a book again. Any day when I can create some fun and a challenge for a child is a good day for me!
I used Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to create this book.
I also want to give a shout out to Broadway Press in Anderson, Indiana. They made a superb finished product!