The first time I saw a balcony, I was enamored. I was about seven. We were seeing a kids’ movie in an old theater. I thought of how cool it would be to be above everyone else and see not only the movie but what was going on in the audience.
I figured you didn’t have to behave yourself up there. If the movie was boring, you could chat with your friends. You could even run between the seats… as long as you were quiet. I saw the balcony as a place with freedom and without commitment. I could be anonymous.

I now know that freedom comes with a price. If I have no commitment to what is going on in front of me,
- I miss out
- My attention is divided
- I do not affect the outcome
- That’s where the critters hang out
I can’t be a leader from the balcony. I am not really a participant. I have found it to be more fulfilling and I have a better time when I am in the front row. The balcony offers freedom. The front row is where life change happens.