
The Downside of Being a Morning Person

Most days, I can awake and  pop right out of bed on the first alarm. I know it’s annoying. I’ve been told that several times over the years by anyone who has lived under the same roof as me. I figure the snooze button is just delaying the inevitable. It’s not real sleep but a catatonic, zombie-like state between alarms. Besides, there are things to be done!

I’ve worked in creative departments over the years. It seems most creatives take pride in being night owls. That has made me a very annoying creature from 8:00 AM to noon. I thought I could help by being cheerful and enthusiastic. That is, until I read this proverb:

A loud and cheerful greeting early in the morning will be taken as a curse!

Proverbs 27:14 NLT

I still believe I get my best work out and am more productive the moment I first wake up. After all, I have gotten a lot out of Hal Elrod’s book, Miracle Morning.

I agree with the premise that starting the day with intentionality makes a difference. I love to write, have my devotions and exercise before it is time for the work day.

I am still going to get my day started out right. However, I resolve to be less obnoxious about it for the sake of others and for the safety of myself.

By Kevin Spear

I am a content creator and storyteller based in Florida, where I work for OneHope. I love digital and content marketing, writing, and the occasional doodle.