One benefit of this time of quarantine and social distancing is that it is just as easy to keep in touch with friends in other parts of the world as it is the ones that live close by. I have learned to use Skype and Zoom for personal conversations as well as for business. It’s given me a new sense of what technology can do to bring us all closer together.
True friends are not just the ones in our own backyard, though it is good to check in with the neighbors. True friends will have your back while they whisper to you that your shirt needs tucked in back there! They are the ones who will have the courage to tell you that you’re wrong but do it in a kind, respectful way.
We need our true friends more than ever during a crisis. It’s been good for me to reach out to them through texting, calling, and seeing their activity on social media. Yes, there have been some positives through this crisis. Let’s keep in touch with our friends and let them know when they are experiencing such faux pas as wearing a duck during the Zoom call.