Our society has tried to make pride a good thing. Perhaps it is because it is too broad of a word in the way we use it today. We tie pride to our self-worth, joy, dignity, and delight. But it can also be used to describe an inflated ego, haughtiness, disdain toward others, and a refusal to consider another’s opinion.
When I drew this cartoon, I thought of the many times I let pride trip me up. It has caused me to look down on others. It has also caused me to be too stubborn to change for the better. It’s why I value this proverb so much:
Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18 (KJV)
Pride gets us in trouble when we can’t see the other person’s point of view. It leads to our destruction when we can’t work with others and refuse to grow because it may cause us to admit we were wrong about something.
I am proud of my wife and kids. I am proud of the work I have been able to do and the living I have made the last several decades. But may I not be too proud to learn from someone else. May I be humble enough to admit when I’m wrong and change course. May I keep my nose down and open my eyes before I fall into a manhole. And may I not be so proud of missing the first one, that I fall into the second one.