Guest Blog Post

1/26/16 – Success for the Seasoned Search…The Benefit of Being Overqualified – Career Connectors

Question: Why would an employer NOT want to hire someone overqualified?
Answer: FEAR! […]

Last week, I had the opportunity to blog about Abby Kohut’s talk to the Phoenix Area Career Connectors. She skillfully talked about why recruiters are afraid of hiring extremely qualified people and what the job seeker can do about it.

Source: 1/26/16 – Success for the Seasoned Search…The Benefit of Being Overqualified – Career Connectors

Guest Blog Post

1/14/16 – Finding Your Internal GPS – Career Connectors

On January 14, I was the guest blogger for Career Connectors. The speaker was Paula Shoup of Internal GPS and it was on using your internal GPS to stay positive during difficult times.

CHOG News Newsletters webcomic

Snowmen and Eternal Life

I thought of this idea when I watched Frosty the Snowman during Christmas and thought of our desire to live beyond our normal lifespan. Morbid? I don’t think so. As it says in Psalm 90:12, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

We may disagree on faith and theology, but most likely, we can agree there is a part of us that wants to live beyond our physical bodies. There is something in us that wants to live eternally. Our physical bodies are as fragile as a snowman. But our soul longs for Something much more.

I drew this for the January 2016 CHOGNews Newsletter: CHOGNews

Cartoon of boy saying to a snowman, "Psst! I know where you can get eternal life."

Don Henley on the Death of Glenn Frye | Leadership Freak

Dan Rockwell has a great tribute to Glenn Frey and collaboration on his Leadership Freak post. You never know what kind if impact a chance encounter will make. Dan has a list of memorable teams and their businesses/achievements.

Source: Don Henley on the Death of Glenn Frey | Leadership Freak

No man is an island. We need each other. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned since moving across the country is how critical it is to establish contacts in my new home. The Internet and smartphones make it easier to be in contact with friends and associates. Yet, there is nothing like face-to-face interaction to encourage creativity.

Rest in peace, Glenn Frey. Thanks for the music.

Attitude Motivation Cartoons

When Life Pitches you a Curveball

sketch of a baseball doing a lool de loop 

I didn’t expect to be in Ohio/Indiana until Christmas day. But life throws you a few curveballs throughout the innings we call decades. There’s a few too many metaphors in that last sentence, isn’t there? I’m not even a rabid baseball fan (However, I did love the way this year’s World Series ended. Good job, Royals!). 

Last Friday, we thought we were going to lose a loved one. Today, things have improved greatly for him. It has made this Thanksgiving so much more meaningful. However, we have also been reminded that time is finite and we can’t take every day for granted.

Through the last several months, I’ve learned there are a few ways to cope when life throws you a curveball.

  • Be flexible: we are far less in control than any of us would like to admit. Changes will happen that you can’t predict or plan for. When unexpected blessings or trials come, be flexible enough to move with the situation.
  • Count your blessings: No matter how dire things may seem, there is always something to be thankful for. Whether it’s family, the ability to move, or even another day to experience life, there is some reason to have gratitude.
  • Plan for what you CAN do: It is good to talk with loved ones about what to do in an emergency or a challenge. Have insurance. Think about what to do in a scanario. It is also good to have a winter coat waiting for you when you fly from Arziona to Ohio. Is that too specific? Choose your own scenario. 

We will all face some unexpected challenges. Through those situations, be an overcomer. Don’t let those curveballs strike you out! I’m rooting for you!