Business Quotes

Bigger Isn’t Always Better

We see annoying billboards touting that size matters. Various businesses try to convince us that only a massive dinosaur of a company can provide the service or product we deserve. They will have us assume that bigger firms are always better.

It’s the measure of success. We admire industry titans like John D. Rockefeller, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk. The size of the companies they founded is almost as important as the profits they produced.

But anyone who has ever tried to contact a live person at a massive, unresponsive business or organization knows that isn’t the case. At the beginning of The Essential Drucker, Peter Drucker asks us to consider that bigger isn’t always better.

Bigger isn't always better: a quote by Peter Drucker: "It is not necessary of a business to grow bigger; but it is necessary that it constantly grow better." from "The Essential Drucker: The best of Sixty years of Peter Drucker's Essential Writings on Management
motivation Running

Running as a Form of Prayer Step-by-step

Mornings are my favorite time to run. As I head out the door, the new day has yet to take shape. There are so many possibilities. An early morning run is an excellent time to begin the day in prayer. Indeed, I’ve found running to be a form of prayer. I agree with the blog that prayer and running go hand-in-hand.

I didn’t start running to strengthen my spiritual life. Instead, I began because I wasn’t happy with my dad’s gut. But as I have turned running into a habit, I’ve found the practice to be just as spiritual as physical.

How do you connect with God? How do you make running a form of prayer? The following steps have helped me.

Bible Devotions Psalm Sketch notes The Gospels

Happy and Healthy

I was writing notes for my devotionals the other day, and thanks to The Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel, I came up with a happy and healthy theme.

family wisdom

What Marriage Has Taught Me

Out on the town for our 35th anniversary

A lot has happened since I said, “I do.” On my wedding anniversary, I pondered what thirty-five years of marriage has taught me.

On December 3, 1988, I took the plunge with a lady I had fallen for nearly two years earlier. We began as college classmates, learned to like each other (despite our very different music and fashion tastes), and fell in love, to the surprise of nearly everyone (including us).

Since that unseasonably warm December day, we’ve had a lot of adventures and misadventures. We’ve experienced career changes and loss. And we found ourselves in ministry. Boy! We didn’t see that coming!

Along the way, we raised two great kids, two cats, and a dog who hated children. Considering my wife was in children’s ministry, we didn’t consider that an asset.

There are time-worn tips on how to have a successful marriage. There are also a few lessons I learned along the way.

Today, I am pondering some of the lessons I learned. Here are four observations that come to mind.


Giant Pumpkin Makes For a Happy Halloween

Giant pumpkin in a car's trunk - Trunk -n- Treat
Trunk -n- Treat

Is everything a competition? Do we need monster squash? Maybe so, because it seems a giant pumpkin makes for a happy Halloween.

Halloween is almost upon us. When I think about this day, it reminds me of some art I did for a Trunk-n-Treat event at my church. Every year, I would fret about how to decorate my trunk for the event. One day, I thought how much easier it would be if I found a pumpkin large enough to fill the entire trunk.

I then considered the size of the candle and the potential fire hazard. I scrapped the idea. But what a sight that would have made!

Behold the Giant Pumpkin!

As Halloween approaches, many people are busy preparing for the holiday. Some may spend hours searching for the perfect costume, while others focus on decorating their homes and yards. For some, however, the real challenge comes in finding the most oversized and most impressive pumpkin.

Everything is a competition these days, and Halloween is no exception. People go to great lengths to grow and display giant pumpkins possible. These behemoth gourds can weigh hundreds of pounds and are often showcased at county fairs and other events. Some even compete in pumpkin-carving contests, showcasing their artistic skills alongside their massive creations.

But is all of this really necessary? Do we really need monster-sized squash to make Halloween enjoyable? Perhaps not, but there is something undeniably impressive about a giant pumpkin. It’s a symbol of the season, and it can make for a great photo op or conversation starter.

Safe Gourding

Of course, there are practical concerns to consider as well. A giant pumpkin might not be the best choice for a Trunk-n-Treat event due to the potential stress on your shock absorbers. Besides that, have you ever tried removing an oversized pumpkin from a car trunk? Oh, the horror!

little girl standing next to wheelbarrow full of pumpkins
Photo by Toni Canaj on

However, for those who can display these massive gourds safely, they can be a fun and festive addition to any Halloween celebration. Practice safe carving, my friend! And check your local ordinances for transporting massive fruits in your locale.

Have a safe time with your family this evening. Watch out for an errant giant pumpkin. And by the way, Happy All Saints Day!

Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog on October 6, 2015. I revamped and updated it for timeliness and comprehensiveness.