
19 Words That Will Make People Like You More |

A friend posted this article on Facebook

19 Words That Will Make People Like You More |

All of the suggestions were good, but the one that stood out to me was the phrase, “Here’s what’s happening.” I agree with the writer that you don’t want to spread rumors or gossip. However, when we guard too much information at work or home, it can actually lead to rumors and gossip!

Whether it’s government, churches, schools or homes, there will always be some information that should be private. You don’t have to tell everything. There is such a thing as too much information. You also have to consider the feelings of others as well as the law.

However, if you err on the side of saying nothing, the rumors and innuendos will happen. In fact, a group’s imagination is frequently more outrageous than the truth.

Find a way to say, Here’s what’s happening. It’s much more effective than letting everyone guess what’s up.

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Parenting Cartoons

Relax and get in touch with your inner child!

Cartoon of a guy dressed silly. He says, "you really ned to get in touch with your inner child."

Cartoon of a business man and a guy dressed in silly clothes. The silly guy says, “You really need to get in touch with your inner child!”

If you’re a parent or teacher, It can be tempting to lay down the law and become intolerant of childlike behavior. After all, there is agenda and we must stick with it!

Yes, I ‘m ashamed  to say I have fallen into that trap more than once.

But remember there is a difference between childish and childlike behavior. Childlike behavior is the curiosity and fun we all love. We need to try new things and discover the world. If we squelch that part, we squelch learning.

Let your inner child show up with your kids every once in a while. And if you know where to find a propellor-beanie hat, let me know!

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School Cartoons

Complementing a child goes a long way

Cartoon of a teacher saying to a student, "This is a great story. You should copyright it!"

Cartoon of a happy teacher and student. The teacher says, “This is a great story. You should copyright it.”

It breaks my heart when I hear about an author who almost didn’t take up his craft because an English teacher once told her that she was a terrible writer. But it is inspiring to hear of those who heard that discouragement, yet overcame it and are authors today.

It is a shame when discouragement comes out of our mouths. I am as guilty as anyone else of spewing criticism to others. Unfortunately, it is too easy to do that in this world.

But a complement goes a long way. My fourth grade teacher encouraged me to consider drawing when complemented my part in a poster. I didn’t think of myself as an artist until that moment.

Be sure to give a sincere complement to a child when you have a chance. You never know how it will change his life.

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animal cartoons

Do you find the slop to your liking?

Featured image of three pigs. One is a waiter and two are at a trough
“If you two find the slop to your liking, I will bring the check.”

I feel for my mom. With four kids to feed, she probably felt there were many a time when she was slopping the hogs. It didn’t matter if it was the finest cuisine or leftovers.  We ate like little piggies and barely grunted a thank you without Dad’s direction.

Now I realize how well she took care of us. I couldn’t have been easy to keep four kids fed, clean and out of trouble while holding a job. But Mom and Dad did it well and with style. Today, I see how much I had to be thankful for.

You may be a Mom or Dad that is tired of slopping your little piggies. But you can know that one day, the kids will realize how well you really took care of them. The realization happens about the time they have to take care of little piggies of their own.

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Happy Memorial Day

Cartoon of dad and son at grave site: Memorial Day
Cartoon of a dad and son at a gravesite. The dad says, “You would have like him. Grandma says he loved to read the funny paper.”


Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:13

On this Memorial Day, I think about my relatives and ancestors that have served my country. To my knowledge, none of them paid the ultimate price on the battlefield. But all of them saw things they undoubtedly never forgot.

Thank you to the men and women who have defended our freedom yesterday as well as today.  You are not forgotten.

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