Adobe Illustrator illustration Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Hoard

Illustration Friday: Hoard

I read an article a few weeks ago where a couple on the US east coast was hoarding gasoline in their apartment. The authorities found out about it when the place blew up and killed the couple.

I know the prices are getting high, but don’t hoard your gasoline, kiddies!

Adobe Illustrator illustration Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday-Punchline

IF: Punchline

When I thought of the word, “punchline,” I thought of the times when I was sure a joke was funny, but discovered nobody else thought it was. When joke doesn’t work, it just makes you want to throw out the joke book… or worse!

Illustration Friday sketch diary sketch journal

Illustration Friday: Forgotten

Illustration Friday: Forgotten

This is a page out of my sketchbook on June 6, 2008. Sketchbook 0806, page 156. I thought about the ideal when I looked on the History Channel’s web site and was shocked to learn today was D-Day.

On this one, I just drew straight into my sketchbook. I used Pitt Markers to ink the pencil. Now if I could take notes like this every day, I’d be in heaven. Hmmm. Maybe I should.

Adobe Illustrator illustration Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Worry

Illustration Friday: Worry
Originally uploaded by speartoons

This is based on an article on a $175 hamburger. The link is…

$175 Burger: Do You Want Fries with That?

I would worry if I ate that expensive burger even if I could afford it. I’d worry about what a waste of money when others struggle to feed themselves

Illustration Friday sketch diary sketch journal

Illustration Friday-Electricity

Illustration Friday-Electricity
Originally uploaded by speartoons

The word for Illustration Friday this week is “electricity.” In the USA, there’s been a lot of talk about energy, fuel and the price. Gasoline keeps hitting all-time highs for us. In Indiana, there is talk about liquefying coal since we have plenty here.

As for me, I’m saving all my power for my PC.