Christmas holiday writing

Writing a Christmas Letter

A recent podcast made me consider the advantages of writing a Christmas letter instead of sending friends and family images from the year.

“You just can’t do [it] with a collection of selfies or any other kind of scenic images.

It requires a story. And the act of having to commit yourself to tell a story is an invitation to tell the full dimensions of that, or the fuller dimension.”

From Good Faith: Advent with Friends: Rethinking Heavenly Peace (with Andy Crouch), Dec 7, 2024

Curtis Chang explained photos, while they are good, can’t tell a complete story. We either choose the best images, because we desire to put out best foot forward, or we attempt to show an image that can exploit a situation.

Regarding Santa, a mood board with all a child’s requests is not quite the same as a handwritten letter. If you have a lot of hopes and fears to convey, a handwritten letter may be the way to go. It may be the only way for clearer Christmas requests.

Cartoon of a boy and a letter carrier at the post office. The boy says, "It's a letter to Santa. My hopes and fears of all the years are mailed with thee tonight."

It may be too late for me this year, but I may reconsider writing a Christmas letter next year. Check back with me then and see if I follow through.

By Kevin Spear

I am a content creator and storyteller based in Florida, where I work for OneHope. I love digital and content marketing, writing, and the occasional doodle.