
Cartoon: The Taste of Victory

Cartoon of a bicyclist that just swallowed a bug

Cartoon of a man riding a bicycle. The man is coughing. The caption says, “Eric thought he had tasted victory. It turns out he swallowed a bug.”

relationship cartoons

Cartoon: Exploding Relationships

Cartoon of a guy and a girl. The guy grabs his head and says, "*Gasp!* I can't take this much honesty in a relationship! My head is about to explode!"

Cartoon of a guy and a girl. The guy grabs his head and says, “*Gasp!* I can’t take this much honesty in a relationship! My head is about to explode!”

relationship cartoons

Cartoon: Nagging Driver

Cartoon of a couple in an automobile

Cartoon of a couple in a car. The woman says, ““I only nag you when you’re lost. The problem is, you’re always lost.”

Illustration Friday

Accusing Mirror

Illustration of a girl accusing her reflection in the mirror

This week’s word for Illustration Friday is “mirror.” I didn’t think of my usual cartoon with a caption this week. Instead, I thought of teens who go through self image problems. It isn’t limited to girls. At one time or another, we all have a crises with our image, don’t we? We all wonder if we’re smart enough, good enough, and doggone it… do people really like us?

When we get older, we realize everyone else, including the high school cheerleader, the jock and the brain feel the same way. We all have feet of clay. Part of growing up is realizing everyone is concerned with themselves. We all want to look good.

So relax! We all experience insecurity. Once you realize that, you’ll feel more secure.

Illustration Friday

Water Balloon Burst

Illustration of a boy about to be hit with a water balloon.

Illustration of a boy about to be hit with a water balloon. I began this in Adobe Ideas, then finished it in Adobe Illustrator

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “burst.”