
The Downside of Being a Morning Person

Most days, I can awake and  pop right out of bed on the first alarm. I know it’s annoying. I’ve been told that several times over the years by anyone who has lived under the same roof as me. I figure the snooze button is just delaying the inevitable. It’s not real sleep but a catatonic, zombie-like state between alarms. Besides, there are things to be done!

I’ve worked in creative departments over the years. It seems most creatives take pride in being night owls. That has made me a very annoying creature from 8:00 AM to noon. I thought I could help by being cheerful and enthusiastic. That is, until I read this proverb:

A loud and cheerful greeting early in the morning will be taken as a curse!

Proverbs 27:14 NLT

I still believe I get my best work out and am more productive the moment I first wake up. After all, I have gotten a lot out of Hal Elrod’s book, Miracle Morning.

I agree with the premise that starting the day with intentionality makes a difference. I love to write, have my devotions and exercise before it is time for the work day.

I am still going to get my day started out right. However, I resolve to be less obnoxious about it for the sake of others and for the safety of myself.


Conflicting Pride

I had just been laid off. I was seeking advice and some reassurance. So I contacted a local, successful artist to meet with him. 

I have always loved the cartoon style. This successful illustrator came from that background, but his style evolved to a more realistic approach. He gave me advice on observation and how to make my artwork look better. I was shocked and angry. Here I had just come from a great job as a book designer at a succesful company. Didn’t he know I was successful too? (keep in mind the company was struggling enough to lay me off. How successful was that?) My pride got in the way and I wasn’t taking any of this! I thanked him and left. But on the inside, I was fuming!

Pride leads to conflict; those who take advice are wise.

Proverbs 13:10

I missed out on a good opportunity and a potential friendship that day because of my fragile pride. It was rather foolish. I’d like to say pride is never an issue anymore. But no, pride can creep in at any time. We are surrounded by it, and our human nature tends to gravitate towards it.

I resolve to listen more before being ready for an argument. I resolve to seek other opinions that aren’t necessarily like mine. Let’s reach out to others that may have advice that runs counter to our opinions.

Bible Proverbs webcomic

How a book can give wisdom

Cartoon of a dad and a boy with a broken window

Cartoon of a boy with a baseball bat and a broken window. An angry dad says, “That was NOT a wise choice, young man! Go inside and read Proverbs!”

I drew this old cartoon when I was thinking how I would need to discipline my newborn son. I believe he had to go to his rooms a few times, though I don’t remember if I specifically told him to read out of Proverbs!

When it comes to books in the Bible, Proverbs is unique.  There are no stories. It is a book of wise sayings that will keep you from big trouble if you follow its advice.

But reading Proverbs or any book does little good if you don’t put it into practice.  I have read many a book with great advice that I have never put into practice. The danger in that is you can feel you have accomplished something without really doing it. It’s all the satisfaction without the hard work!

My goal today is to actually put into practice what I’ve read today. Now where is that Bible?

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