children cartoons Illustration Friday

IF: Smoke

This time of year brings back great memories of leaf piles, trick or treating and Grandma’s strawberry pie (her pumpkin pie was okay but ooh! That strawberry!)

One of the things I’m not keen about growing up is when you have to act responsible when there is work to be done. Forget the raking! Can’t I just jump in those leaves once?

Of course, the other downside of growing up is the forty-year old, big body isn’t taking that jump in the leaves as that ten year-old body. Someone get the ambulance, please.

children cartoons

Growing up

My son is growing. He’s taller than me now and isn’t done yet. I drew a doodle and tried a few captions out. It’s always good to try ten captions and pick one out of the group. Who knows! I may put this in finished form.

children cartoons Illustration Friday love

Smitten: Illustration Friday

I’ve decided I need to focus more on my illustration. There is a site called Illustration Friday. It gives a topic and illustrators give their take on a word that week. Here is my take on the word, “smitten.”

I began with five thumbnail sketches on the topic. I chose the bottom corner one because I liked the way it told a story. What happened before this moment? Will Cupid and the girl win. Is there a conspiracy going on? Stay tuned!

children cartoons

Boardin’ Pastor

I used this cartoon for a cartoon caption contest on Yahoo’s Christian Humor Writing Group. I heard several great captions but the winner was Crystal Miller with…

This kind of lightening bolt wasn’t what Rev. Thomas expected for his Sunday morning sermon.”

It’s fun to see what someone else would write as a caption to you own cartoon.


Bible cartoon children cartoons

Feeding the five thousand healthily!

I keep hearing all the talk about eating a healthy diet. They must assault you with all this information when you reach middle age.

All the food in the past must have been healthier, right? It wasn’t processed. So…. if you’re feeding five thousand, you want the best in healthy fare.