I love seeing kids grow up! Whether they are four-year-olds or fourth-graders, they follow a predictable path. in early elementary, most feel free to express themselves in art. They are most comfortable in their own skin and don’t mind sharing their opinions. It doesn’t matter whether it is socially acceptable or not. A four-year-old is going to tell it like it is in their eyes!
But a fourth-grader becomes very self-conscious. They don’t want to call attention to themselves. They want to fit in. They want to do the “cool” thing. A four-year-old may love to wear an ugly Christmas sweater. A fourth-grade will be mortified if he or any member of his family would do such an audacious thing that solicits attention.

A four-year-old is bursting with creativity. Most fourth-graders will have nothing to do with it because true creativity makes you stand out. Yet, standing out is where the magic happens.
I hope you have a lot of fun this Christmas. Be the one who proudly wears the ugly Christmas sweater. Reach out to a friend or family member you haven’t heard from in a while. Don’t worry about whether someone thinks your sweater us gaudy or you’re too loud when singing your favorite Christmas carol. Just enjoy the time. You’ll find that it will allow most people around you to do the same.