Bible Marketing

The Golden Rule of Marketing

Every day, we are bombarded by messages. Some of them are based on fear. Other messages attempt to smear an opponent. Many invade our lives without us realizing it. But a quote by Garth Brooks reminds me what should be the golden rule of marketing.

Here’s my whole marketing idea: treat people the way you want to be treated.

Garth Brooks

If we followed this rule, there would be little fear-based marketing. We would not experience deceptive advertising practices or false claims. There would be no scams or pyramid schemes. Perhaps, we could get to the point where we could trust others because all marketing would have integrity.

It is a requote of The Golden Rule, from the Bible.

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Matthew 7:12 (NIV)

We can spot unfair rules fairly easily. This rule, when equally applied, makes it impossible to be unfair, deceptive, or manipulative. In addition, this rule makes us think of long-term gain instead of short-term results.

Would we make the same decisions if we knew we would face the person we were marketing to? Do we look at our targets as people or objects?

Practical Marketing?

Is this type of marketing practical? After all, we must focus on the metrics. We must meet the monthly sales goal or else! Can we treat others the way we want to be treated and still have a marketing career?

I believe we can. We must if we want to be a part of the solution instead of the problem. Marketing is a powerful tool. When we combine it with psychology, we can subtly influence others.

When we treat others well, we make our surroundings better. We can believe in a product or service and market it well. But at the least, we should treat others with integrity and respect. That should be the golden rule of marketing.


The Power of Character

Today is D. L. Moody’s birthday. He was born 185 years ago today. I found a quote that goes along with what I’ve been pondering lately. There is a lot of power in character.

If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of me.

Dwight L. Moody

Dwight L. Moody Quotes., BrainyMedia Inc, 2022., accessed February 5, 2022.

The other day, I used a Thomas Paine quote about character and reputation. I suppose it has been heavy on my mind because of past leaders that have fallen when their character didn’t match what they preached.

In fact, it seems we have gotten to a place where we try to ignore the character of leaders. We know they don’t practice what they preach, but we assume no one else does either.

Deep down, we know we can’t trust someone with lousy character. Charisma can only do so much. Talent is not enough to overcome immorality. A preacher with an excellent presentation ends up doing more harm than good when they are found to be dishonest.

Perhaps we want to support the crooked leader because we feel we have no choice. Besides, their words resonate with us. They utter what we would like to say to someone if we had the courage.

brown wooden blocks with number
Photo by Brett Jordan on

Let’s Build Our Character

There are still good people out there. They have taken care of their character and therefore have the credibility to speak what is good. We can be virtuous. If we have faltered in the past (and who hasn’t slipped and faltered), we can work to build our integrity today.

Integrity comes from honesty. No, none of us are righteous. Especially me! Indeed, when we’re honest about our shortcomings, it builds integrity, honor, and trust. Being upright doesn’t mean we are perfect. It means we are honest with ourselves and others.

Like D. L. Moody said, let’s work on the power of our character. When we do, our reputations will be protected.


Remembering a Friend

Yesterday, I received news from Facebook that a childhood pal passed away from COVID. So today, I am remembering a friend that was there for me even when I wasn’t such a great friend. If our lives were forever judged by our actions as teens, well heaven help all of us!

I was an awkward kid. He was there to invite me along to events like the Indiana State Fair. I tried to “be cool” when I got into graphic design and wanted to be with the “in crowd.” He didn’t care. When I came to my senses, he welcomed me back. He exhibited grace and generous friendship.

As I get older, this verse becomes all the more important to me:

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”

Psalm 90:12 (KJV)

We don’t know what the next day will bring. We sure don’t know if we will have a tomorrow. So what matters today is that we live in the moment, have integrity, and consider how we want to be remembered when that day comes. My pal was a guy who did just that. Rest In Peace, dear friend. I’ll see you on the other side.

Christianity couples Leadership

A True Couple of Integrity

Last night, I got to see a very good man and woman honored. They are a couple of great integrity. Rolland Daniels is a man whom I have seen in various situations. Firstly, I have seen him has my pastor. Secondly he was my wife’s boss, and as someone who remained the same through good and challenging times. Thirdly, I’ve even seen him as a client when my company published his book.

In addition, I’ve seen his wife, Ellen in action as a pastor’s wife, classmate, and friend.

Through it all, I’ve seen their integrity shine through. Last night, we held an event as Rolland retires from ministry as a pastor. But like many have said about him, he by no means is retiring from ministry.

Over the last several months, I’ve read his latest book, Legacy Maker: Life a Life that Matters.

Copyright ©2019 Rolland Daniels

He writes it as a tribute to the values his father passed down to him. They are values I’ve seen him display as well. As a result, it was good to see a man and his wife honored for decades of faithful ministry. It has also been so good to see a faithful man being honored for these values.

Powerful, Kind Words

The first conversation I remember having with Rolland was at the Anderson University Kardatzke Wellness Center. It was before my wife or I worked with him. I considered him an acquaintance. We were both in the weight room when he spotted me.

He walked towards me. With a warm smile he said, “Hey, Kev! How’s G?”

“G” is short for my son’s name. I told him how he was doing well in football, and about to finish up high school I mentioned he was considering Anderson University for college.

He replied, “Man, Kev. You must be proud! That boy is going places. God has his hand on him. I hope you know that!”

I thanked him and we went on with our workouts. That touched me. Did he know my family that well? And he was speaking life and affirmation about my son! He didn’t have to do that. But it made my day. And you can bet I let my son know!

Boss Man

Later, he became my church’s executive pastor. My wife was the children’s pastor and she reported to him. We learned he was just as effective and genuine as a boss compared to behind a pulpit. We were so impressed because those are two very different sets of skills.

He was very supportive of us when my daughter was diagnosed with arthritis. He would ask my wife about her and encouraged my wife to take her on trips to the children’s hospital. Last night, he was honored for being a good family man. I also know him as someone who honored and nurtured my family.

He was gracious and encouraging when we felt called to another church and another state. Later, my wife loved working with him so much, she agreed to work with him one more time before he retired. We haven’t regretted it.

Beside Every Great Man

Rolland’s wife, Ellen was also honored tonight. She and I were in MBA classes at about the same time Rolland was our executive pastor. I found her to be just as genuine, caring and encouraging. There are so few couples who walk the walk. They are a couple that exudes integrity, teamwork and hospitality.

As the husband of a pastor, I’ve had few role models. Ellen showed me that you can work on your own career goals while supporting your spouse in ministry.

The Real Deal

Therefore, last night was bittersweet. We will miss them as they pursue a new stage in their lives. No doubt, they will show their integrity, warmth, and love for God wherever they go. My wife and I will genuinely miss them! They are the real deal!


Leading With Integrity

We all admire someone who leads with integrity. We admire the whistleblower who risks their reputation to make the truth known. We like to believe we support a company with strong values that align with ours. We want to work with someone we know we can trust. Of course, that means we need to be that person too.

Leading with integrity is a practical trait in many circumstances. This article in Inc. Magazine reminds me of one of Warren Buffett’s famous quotes:

“Lose money for the firm, and I will be understanding.
Lose a shred of reputation for the firm, and I will be ruthless.”

Warren Buffett

A good reputation comes with living a life of integrity. It is humbling to think that a moment of dishonesty can ruin one’s reputation. Lead with integrity! Be on the guard for temptation that causes you to consider sacrificing it. That moment of indiscretion may do more to your ruin your life than you could ever imagine.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

Warren Buffett