
Do You Do What the Song Says?

A few weeks ago, I was in church singing with the congregation. One song had the lyrics, “We lift our hands in praise.” So I did it. My eyes were closed at the time because, well, that’s what I sometimes do when I get into the music. When I opened them, I was surprised there were just a few others doing what the song says. Scandalous!Cartoon of two men in church. One has his hands lifted. The other says, "Do you mean when the song says, 'We lift our hands in praise,' you actually do it?"

This morning, I am probably in church doing the same thing. A few decades ago, I may have been self-conscious about it. Maybe I still am and that’s why my eyes are closed. Regardless, if I am going to sing a praise and worship song, I’m going to do what it says. If I don’t what’s the point?

I drew this cartoon for the September 2019 Church of God Newsletter.

church cartoons motivation

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My grandfather was a minister. My dad made his career in insurance. You can imagine the discussions they would have about faith, the church and liability!

I’ve been at both the child side and the counselor side of church camps. I’ve seen boys perform feats of skill that defy gravity and all logic. It is a wonder the ambulance wasn’t on twenty-four standby at the camp!

So now that summer is waning, let us rejoice that the kids are back in school and insurance adjusters for churches and church camps can breathe a sigh of relief.

I drew this cartoon for the August, 2019 CHOGnews Newsletter.

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Volunteering for the money

Cartoon of a burglar who says, "I'd love to volunteer, but I only want to count the money."
I’ve heard it said that it takes a leader to motivate paid staff, but it takes a real leader to motivate volunteers. That’s why I believe one of the best leaders I’ve seen is my wife. I have seen her cast vision, inspire and motivate children’s ministry volunteer staff at three churches. 

At none of the churches have I seen a guy like the burglar in this cartoon. He would not be allowed to rock babies or make crafts with the preschoolers. Besides, he wouldn’t pass the background check!

I drew this for the October 2017 Church of God e-newsletter.

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

This may take a while, Pastor!

Cartoon of a man kneeling at an altar. He says to a pastor, "I've had quite a week. So you might as well get comfortable."

Confession is good for the soul. But it occasionally backfires. I’ve been in a situation where I apologized to someone for an offense I was sure I committed so long ago. Then to my surprise, the person didn’t remember it. At least they didn’t until I brought it up again. Either they learned to forgive and forget, or my conscience betrayed me into confessing something no one remembers I did.

However, an altar call and some confession really is good for the soul. Too many people carry a heavy burden of guilt and shame. It is good to get it out there with a compassionate pastor. But if you keep having “one of those weeks,” perhaps it’s time to talk with your pastor about some ways to be led not into temptation!

I drew this for the July 2017, Church of God E-newsletter.


church cartoons

Tribute to Church Sound Technicians

Cartoon of a speaker and a frazzled guy. The frazzled guy says, "You really have to to do something about the sound!"They are the people nobody notices until something is going wrong. When the back row can hear the speaker, everybody focuses up front. But when the sound is distorted. Indignant glares come from various audiences members towards the poor, embattled sound technician.