When I drew this, I was thinking how great it would have been to be Jesus’ disciple and get official t-shirts. Did they know they were part of something really big?
When I drew this, I was thinking how great it would have been to be Jesus’ disciple and get official t-shirts. Did they know they were part of something really big?
Confession is good for the soul. But it occasionally backfires. I’ve been in a situation where I apologized to someone for an offense I was sure I committed so long ago. Then to my surprise, the person didn’t remember it. At least they didn’t until I brought it up again. Either they learned to forgive and forget, or my conscience betrayed me into confessing something no one remembers I did.
However, an altar call and some confession really is good for the soul. Too many people carry a heavy burden of guilt and shame. It is good to get it out there with a compassionate pastor. But if you keep having “one of those weeks,” perhaps it’s time to talk with your pastor about some ways to be led not into temptation!
I drew this for the July 2017, Church of God E-newsletter.