
How to know you aren’t making your point

Cartoon of a business man looking at another with donuts for eyes. the caption says, "I wasn’t getting through to this guy. His eyes were simply glazed over."

In the United States, we are coming back from the Independence Day holiday. Many people are out for summer vacation. You may notice your coworkers aren’t as alert as they were before  break. Sometimes, it’s obvious. Other times, you have to look for subtle cues. Here’s how to know someone isn’t listening to you.

  • Coworker responds to each sentence you utter with, “I’m with you, Sparky!”
  • Coworker still has remnants of exploded fireworks in hair. She keep yelling, “Fire in the hole!” and ducks for cover.
  • Your coworker has replaced his glasses with glazed donuts.
  • When you say “good morning,” your coworker replies, “Why?”

If any of these happen to you, don’t worry. It will take time for your friend to get reacclimated to the environment. In the meantime, have some fun and get your coworker to agree to take on some of your additional workload. You’ll be able to clean your desk before they know what hit them.

relationship cartoons webcomic

Cartoon: Communication Quack

Cartoon of a duck couple

Cartoon of two ducks. One says to the other, “All you ever say is, ‘Quack, quack, quack!’ You call that communication?”

Communication is harder than it sounds, but it’s easier than it looks. Body language can say a lot about the person, can’t it? Judging by the look of the duck on the right, he’s communicating very clearly that he’s not taking advice gracefully.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon technology cartoons webcomic

Sound the horns

Cartoon of two boys. One has a horn. The other says, “€œWhy can’€™t you just text like everyone else?”

This idea has been on my mind since I hear the vuvezalas during last year’s World Cup. I think I’ll stick to texting.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Enigma Parenting

Cartoon of two boys. One has a decoder ring

Cartoon of two boys. One holds out his hand and says, “It’s impossible to understand parents, unless you have their secret decoder ring.”