
Good Fight or Good Flight

Cartoon of a man fleeing. He thinks, "Can I fight the good fight if I'm running away?"

I hate tension. Maybe that’s why I like cartoons so much. I always loved the way humor can break tension and turn an angry person into a laughing one. More than once, I’ve had to break a serious moment with a joke. Sometimes that works. Sometimes, well, it can backfire! If someone really wants to be angry, they’ll do anything to keep their sour mood.

When tension comes, my tendency is to crack a joke, then run. But is that fighting the good fight? Once in a while, I need to stand and hold my ground. That doesn’t mean I have to be the angry one. Sorry, but I’m still going to crack a few jokes. I have to get a little laugh out of an incident, right?

Business Cartoons

Hatching an Idea

Cartoon of a chicken and an executive

Cartoon of an executive and a chicken. The chicken says, “That’s a nice idea. Let it incubate and see what hatches.”

activities Adobe Illustrator children cartoons children's ministry Religion Cartoons

Being Courageous

Being Courageous Join Winter 2008-2009

These are illustrations I did for a Sunday school take home paper. Each illustration shows a child who shows courage in a situation such as praying before lunch, refusing to smoke and watching an inappropriate movie.

I drew these in Adobe Illustrator.