
To Get Your Point Across, Get Silly!

The other day, I was leading a group of elementary kids in a lesson. That day’s game was to do a silly human trick. I demonstrated by doing a seal impression.

No, I wasn’t a Navy Seal. I honked like a sea lion while the elementary coordinator bounced a beach ball off my nose. Then the worship leader sprayed the kids with some water. You know how those seals splash around. How else are you going to show the monthly theme of courage? By doing something silly in front of a room full of kids, of course!

Seriously, too many times kids and adults get set in our ways. We think our current belief is the only option. during those times, it takes a creative presentation to make others think differently. Now I’m not suggesting you imitate a sea lion in the board room. Then again, maybe something absurd and silly like that is just the thing to get a group thinking in a different way.


No Longer a Slave to Fear

There was a time I would let fear dictate my actions. If I’m honest, I’d say it was as recently as last night. It’s a constant battle to vanquish all the bad news and doomsayers from my mind. It’s a shame our minds are wired to ignore good news and focus on all the doom and gloom.

But today is a new day. It is full of potential. Nobody really knows what tomorrow will bring. So why not face it with courage? Why not be fearless?

I have to be intentional to do that. If I run by autopilot, If I allow the latest headline to dictate my mood, I can become a slave to fear rather quickly. But that’s not how we would like to live, is it?

Take some time today to find the good. One great resource I recommend is The Good News Network. Read something inspirational, such as The Bible. Be intentional in finding something to be grateful for. We don’t have to be slaves to fear today.

Attitude Book Reviews

Is the Obstacle the Way?

Before I read The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday, I thought of obstacles as something to overcome. I imagined life as an obstacle course. When I’ve watched, American Ninja Warrior, I pictured all the challenges along the course as situations in life. They were something that got in the way and must be overcome.

Ryan Holiday’s book challenged me to look at obstacles in a different way. Stoicism is a philosophy I heard about when training for a marathon. When I got the chance to read it, the book made me ponder so many questions.

  • What if, instead of looking at obstacles as the enemy, they were your friend?
  • What if an obstacles is just what you need to achieve your goals?
  • What if how you viewed an obstacle was more important than figuring out how to eliminate it?

Life is full of struggles and hardships. This book made me realize that it is not foolishness when people willingly take on a project that will have obstacles. Small businesses would never start if that was the case. Missions to help others would never launch. I am thankful for a new perspective on challenges and obstacles. Yes, they can be the way to success.

Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Be the Change: Sermon Notes

Sermon sketch notes on "Be the Change," by Richard Triplett
Copyright ©2017. Sermon Copyright Richard Triplett

On Sunday, September 2, 2017, at Salem Church of God, Pastor Richard Triplett preached on how to Be the Change. My sketch notes from the sermon are above.

The sermon was based on the Book of Nehemiah.

The big takeaway I received from the sermon was that in spite of the massive amount of transformation our world has faced in a few short decades, most of us still fear when things begin changing. It takes a certain amount of brokenness to make change possible. The saddest situation may be when we insist on things staying the same even when we admit it is broken. 


Can You Stay Stupid?

Sketch of a man with a buffalo hat, Hawaiian shirt and striped pants

Over at Michael Hyatt’s blog, he gave a quote from a book entitled Do the WorkWithin the quote, this statement stuck out to me:

Ignorance and arrogance are the artist and entrepreneur’s indispensable allies. She must be clueless enough to have no idea how difficult her enterprise is going to be—and cocky enough to believe she can pull it off anyway.

I have to admit, I’m not ignorant, or arrogant enough. And I’m willing to bet you aren’t either. If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time gathering information, reading blogs, and pondering what is the best way to tackle a challenge. If you’re like me, you can get bogged down in the minutia of information.

That’s one reason I love working with children. They can help me find my giddy, stupid self. When you’re around kids, do these things to get your daring, stupid self back:

  • Before you tell a child it can’t be done, ask yourself, “Why not?” Is it really that big of a deal? Sure, there are safety concerns you have to watch. Never allow a child to put themselves in danger, but there are so many ideas kids have that aren’t going to harm them or others. Take a chance! Get messy! Have some fun!
  • Allow yourself to be silly. Wear that flamboyant hat. Sing a silly song. Laugh even if you heard that joke when you were seven. It’s still funny!
  • Encourage a child no matter how outlandish their goals me be. Maybe they will be president some day. Perhaps you’re looking at the next astronaut to Mars. Encourage dreams. And dream a little yourself.

Working with kids is a great way to keep your innocent, creative self from thinking small. Encourage their dreams and you may find you can get “stupid” and work on your own.