
If you create anything, you will have critics

Cartoon of a joyful guy with a bust of a stern looking man. The caption says, "Though Jack excelled at gelatin sculpting, he had his critics."

This cartoon is a nod to “Throwback Thursdays.” I drew it many years ago. It reminds me of when I drew a portrait of my grandmother. She was a sweet soul that worked hard her entire life. She had many wrinkles from working in the sun. I thought they were beautiful and interesting.


Yes, you Are a masterpiece!

Cartoon of a coach pointing at a chalkboard that says, "you are a masterpiece. The coach says, "Lets go over this one more time!This cartoon came to me the other day when my pastor was preaching a sermon on Ephesians 2:10.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 (New Living Translation) from Bible Gateway

To be creative, you need to think of yourself as a masterpiece. In order to feel creative energy, you must see yourself as a beautiful creation. For you are a masterpiece!


5 ways to Find Serendipity

Photo of desert brush and a portion of a rainbow in the clouds

There are some surprises that aren’t pleasant. Then there are surprises that make you want to jump for joy. That’s serendipity. It’s one of those words that sounds like its meaning. It’s a happy surprise or joyous discovery. Who wouldn’t want that kind of surprise?


When it Comes to Creativity, Never Underestimate a Little Piece of Knowledge

Sketch of a mortar board and the word, "Knowledge!"I like trivia. No, I love trivia! The only problem I have with it is the way people perceive it. They look at trivia as… well, trivial! It’s perceived as useless, throw-away information.

Never underestimate the power of a little piece of knowledge! It has power. It makes creativity happen. It brings innovation to the marketplace. Any piece of knowledge, no matter how seemingly small or trivia can have power.

"365 Days: Drawing Challenge"

Day 3 of 21 Day Drawing Challenge

Today’s challenge was to look at negative spaces within some squiggles and draw what you see. I saw a mad scientist/business guy. He’s ready to take over the world with his squigley hair!


This is a challenge through a Von Glitshka video series at