Mother's Day

Mothers Day and Determination

This morning at church, we will celebrate Mother’s Day. It’s the third highest attended Sunday in the year with Easter and Christmas in the top two positions. This Sunday, I will be helping kids get from their classes to big church so they can sing and warm their mother’s hearts. It should make for some moist eyes and wonderful photo opportunities.

Meanwhile, I will be teaching the elementary kids about determination. I like that because it reminds me of my mother. She has taught me determination and to keep going when things get hard.


Yes, Change is Hard – Inc. Magazine Article

4 o'clock shift at the Ford Motor Company
4 o’clock shift at the Ford Motor Company (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This morning, I read this Inc. Article on making change happen within a company.

Change Is Hard: 8 Great Ways to Make Sure You’re Constantly Evolving – Inc.

I have witnessed how hard change is at a newer as well as older company. And I have also had the privilege working for a company where change was the only thing constant. All the companies I’ve worked for wanted change but discovered pushback from customers as well as employees. It is ironic that the very change that will benefit customers can be rejected by those same consumers.

Whether you are a leader or follower, change is vital for companies and people to thrive. As the article says, it begins with you. It also takes lots of clear communication to explain why the change is needed and how it will benefit stakeholders in the long run.

One thing the article touched on was how the messy middle affects change. We talked about that in one of my MBA classes. A change initiative feels exciting in the beginning. But when you are in the middle of the change, it is so tempting to go back to the old ways. It takes a lot of determination, self-examination, and clear communication to make change happen.


11/12/15 – The Power of You – Career Connectors

Scottsdale hills
Scottsdale hills (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I had the privilege to blog for last week’s Career Connector’s event in Scottsdale. Gloria Petersen with Global Protocol gave us great advice on presenting ourselves in the best light. She also challenged us to make challenges work for us, not against us. Here is an excerpt and link to the blog recap:

Determination is what it takes to beat the odds.  When Gloria went through a trial, she had to persevere to make it through the other side. That is the power of each one of us. […]

Source: 11/12/15 – The Power of You – Career Connectors