
Christmas Chaos

When I drew this cartoon, I thought of what would happen if the song, Sleighride, resulted in Christmas chaos at the North Pole? What if the elves decided it was their turn to take a sleigh ride with eight tiny reindeer? And what if Santa wasn’t in on the escapade?

How does Santa Claus keep the elves in line anyway? In the course of all the millennia that Santa has been operating, surely there was at least a couple of times the elves got a bit out of control!

Unforeseen circumstances can lead to a little Christmas chaos. Things can quickly spiral out of control. This year, we continue to have pandemic problems, supply chain issues, and unreliable store hours due to a worker shortage. It’s enough to make you wonder if a bunch of mischievous elves would be considered the least of our worries!

Hang in there, people! There are only two weeks until it all settles and we have an opportunity to relax around the Christmas tree with friends and family. In the meantime, if there are some elves nearby, I wouldn’t leave your keys in the car.

Cartoon of Santa chasing a sleigh full of mischievous elves
Christmas holiday

A Reality Show Christmas

Do reality shows have anything to do with reality? Do reality shows fit in with Christmas? Would Santa even think about being on a reality show without checking it twice? Because they are mostly naughty, not nice.

Cartoon of an elf and Santa Claus. The elf says, "It's another cable TV producer asking if we'd like to be in a reality show."

Reality shows aren’t much fun unless there is some manufactured conflict. Peace on earth is not a great line for the entertainment industry. Happily ever after is the part of the story no television producer wants to touch. Let’s face it! no reality show would want to visit the North Pole unless there was a chance they could incite an elf riot against their jolly old boss. It reminds me of a December 23, 1981, Bloom County comic strip.

There is plenty of conflict going around without manufacturing new ones. As I begin this week of Christmas, I choose to think of all my blessings in the past year and look ahead to the coming new year and a new decade. May your holiday be less of a reality show and more of a happily ever after.

Christmas holiday webcomic

Have a Merry Christmas Joy Ride!

Cartoon of Santa chasing a sleigh full of mischievous elvesCartoon of santa running after his sleigh. Elves are in the sleigh and they look like they are having the time of the life. The caption says, “Thanks to a joy ride, Christmas was nearly canceled!”

I loved this cartoon when I first wrote it because it reminded me of a childhood fantasy. I used to wonder what it would be like to take a ride in Santa’s sleigh. Wouldn’t it be great to take a ride across the countryside on Christmas Eve? All the Christmas lights and moonlight would reflect on the new snow, Smoking chimneys fill the air with the smell of hickory, oak and pine. Never mind that there is probably no seat belts in the sleigh and the airbags have never been tested!

By the way, don’t try this at home, kids. You can’t get a hold of Santa’s sleigh and the only joy ride should be with certified, licensed elves.

May you have a blessed, Merry Christmas!

Christmas holiday webcomic

Watch your sleigh, Santa!

Cartoon of Santa chasing his runaway sleigh

Cartoon of Santa chasing his sleigh. The caption reads, “Thanks to a joy ride, Christmas was nearly canceled!”

I don’t know why Santa would trust those elves. They always looked a little too mischievous for my taste.

Google is helping Santa Claus this year. Apparently, you can track where he’s at using Santa’s Dashboard.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas. And if you hear a clatter on your rooftop, it may be those crazy elves taking a joy ride!


Santa Bonuses

Cartoon of an elf and Santa Claus. The elf says, "What do you mean there'll be no Christmas bonus?"

Cartoon of an elf and Santa Claus. The elf says, “What do you mean there’ll be no Christmas bonus?”