Illustration Friday


Sketch of what suspense means to me.

This is a page out of my sketch journal. This week’s word for Illustration Friday was “suspense.”

When I heard today’s theme for Illustration Friday was “suspense,” I decided I would take a page directly from my sketchbook. The word reminded me of old radio drama shows and comic books. It reminds me of a little grime and notes taken on napkins. Something seedy is going on when there’s some suspense!


Uncertain Jack-o’-lantern

Page from my sketchbook. I drew this Jack-o’-lantern in 2001. At the time, our country was going through a lot of scary things and I was struggling through a lot. I was between jobs and my wife and I were just trying to figure out what would happen next.

All the stuff we were going through then seems so trivial then. I don’t know what you’re going through today, but know that everything changes. If you’re going through a rough spot, there is hope. The good old days are only good when we are way ahead of them. Hold on, child. Things are gonna get easier!

cartoon creativity webcomic

Basis of all Creativity

Cartoon of a man in a fetal position. He says to another, "I'm okay. This is just how I get creative."

In high school, I had a graphic design teacher that loved to spout adages. One of his favorites was, “limitation is the basis for all creativity.”

I’d love to know whether he made that up or if he got that quote from someone. I googled the phrase and nothing came up. There were a few lines that began with “limitation is the basis of…” but then it went into something altogether different.

At the time, I thought he was talking about the limits of design technology. Back then, a personal computer was a novelty. Anything you created had to be for the limits of the printing presses or silkscreen printing. High tech was anything that could be done in a dark room with film or Photostat paper.

Thirty years later, the phrase still rings true to me. When you are limited with your resources, you learn to use your creativity. If all you have is a paper bag, you can learn to make the most use of it.

Sometimes, I get stuck on what tools I have at my disposal. I think I can’t be creative unless I have the latest hardware or software upgrades. I must remind myself that if I face a limit, it’s a golden opportunity to use my creativity.

Have you ever faced a limitation that ended up giving you a creative boost? Feel free to post it in the comments.

Adobe Illustrator adventure cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Illustration Friday Parenting Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Perennial Rides

Cartoon of a grandfather and grandson on a roller coaster.

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “perennial.”

When I heard the word, I thought about some people who may be up in years, but still love the amusement park rides. It’s always fun to see a senior citizen tackle a roller coaster. I also thought of the perennial summer traditions like county fairs and trips to amusement parks.

Adobe Photoshop animal cartoons cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Illustration Friday single panel cartoon webcomic

Being Chicken

Cartoon of boy and a chicken. The boy says, “I want to thank you for showing me what it truly means to be a chicken.”

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “chicken.”