Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons Christmas gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Stalker Claus

Cartoon of a girl and someone with a bag over their head. The girl says, “I know what you mean. ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ gives me the creeps too.”

Santa seems to be a bit of a stalker.

He sees you when you’re sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows when you’ve been good or bad. Get a restraining order, for goodness sakes!”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon Christianity gag cartoon Religion Cartoons seasons single panel cartoon webcomic

In the Meadow, We Can Save a Snowman

Cartoon of man and a snowman. The snowman says, “I’d like to get saved. There’€™s just one problem–I’€™m terrified of getting baptized.”€

I can just imagine where snow-people would lean on the sprinkle-full immersion theological debate. They’d go for the sprinkling. They couldn’t help being hydrophobic. Water hazard would mean something entirely different to the snow folk.

Adobe Illustrator animal cartoons cartoon gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Fish Phobias

Cartoon of two fish in a bowlCartoon of two fish in a bowl. One says, “I have a confession. I’m scared to swim!”

"Pen and Ink" Adobe Photoshop children cartoons School Cartoons

Illustration Friday: Brave

Illustration Friday: BraveThis week’s word for Illustration Friday is “Brave.”

Illustration Friday webcomic

Webcomic: Fast Trick or Treating

Cartoon of trick or treaters. There is a clown, firefighter and a princess. The firefighter says to the running princess, “Are you saying we should skip this next house?”

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “Fast.” I’m guessing the girl is clocking in at sixty five miles per hour and qualifies as fast.

I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2